You need a new Vacuum Cleaner? Here are the top 10
Ok, there is a need for a new vacuum cleaner, but which type is right for your family? Let’s analyze the various options.
Canister and vertical vacuum cleaners
These are the best models of vacuum cleaners for a thorough cleaning of large surfaces of floor, particularly carpets. Bin models are easier to use in awkward places (like stairs, cars), while upright models are great for large areas. They are not very easy to store: furthermore, the vertical models are generally more voluminous than the bin models.
Cordless and stick vacuum cleaner
These are very convenient for quick cleanings. They do well on hard floors, but aren’t very good at cleaning carpets. For a home with lots of carpets, a vacuum cleaner (for quick cleans) plus a canister vacuum or an upright vacuum for an occasional thorough carpet cleaning are a good combination.
Very easy to store: they are not bulky and are usually sold with a special support for storage.
Robot vacuum cleaner
These can be helpful in keeping floors reasonably free of lint and dust. They work best on hard floors, but usually fail to remove dirt from carpets, although they can clean them in some cases.
Robot vacuums don’t always navigate all rooms smoothly or clean corners and edges effectively, so it’s best to pair them with an upright vacuum, for an occasional thorough cleaning.
Portable vacuum cleaners
Very convenient for cleaning stains and car interiors. However, handheld vacuum cleaners sales are declining, mainly because most other models can also be used as handheld vacuum cleaners.
Which vacuum cleaner has the strongest suction?
Stronger suction doesn’t necessarily mean better performance; a vacuum cleaner must also be easy to move, particularly if you are vacuuming rugs and carpets. The motorized head supplied with many models can give the vacuum cleaner extra power for difficult areas. Wattage generally has no effect on performance; there are many models under 1000W that perform just as well as nominally more powerful models.
Is it worth getting expensive vacuum cleaners?
When it comes to traditional corded vacuum cleaners, there are often low-priced models that outperform their expensive counterparts. However, if you’re looking for more features like a varied selection of cleaning heads and more accessories – as well as the ability to repair rather than replace the unit – you might be willing to pay a little extra for an advanced model.
What are the cheapest vacuum cleaners?
Canister vacuum cleaner models are almost always the cheapest.
The top ten models
Here below are the ten models to prefer, in their respective categories: they are simply the best vacuum cleaners, comparing prices to performance.